Repairing a rotavator
At the first wine estate where I was employed as farm manager we sowed rye in the vineyards in autumn. The idea was not to harvest the rye, but rather to work it into the soil as an organic fertiliser. The soil was mostly sandy and therefore we used a rotavator to work the crop into the soil. The rotavator “digs” and turns the soil thoroughly and neatly, even better than you can do it with a garden fork. Because the machine is pulled along fast by the tractor, it takes a hit mechanically and maintenance is quite high.
One day I saw that one of the rotavators was not turning the soil well enough. I found that one of the gears in the gearbox was broken. I don’t know what made me do it, but I decided to do the repairs myself. Something I’ve never done before.
I rushed off to a parts shop, bought some new gears and chains and got an illustration of the insides of the machine. Back at the farm the taking apart side of things went quickly, but o man, what a struggle to fit everything back together again. It was late evening when I eventually emerged from behind the tractor and the machine. I was quite surprised not see any spare parts lying around.
Early the next morning I was back on the tractor to put the repaired rotavator back to work. O, what a good feeling it was to see how carefully the machine could turn the soil over. The machine worked better than before. I was so proud of myself for completing the repairs successfully. The machine could now do its work 100%.
In a way we were broken as well. Sin broke us and we could not fulfil the original purpose we had been created for. The work we did did not look good and our Creator realised He had to make a plan to repair us.
We know what his plan was: He allowed Jesus to be crucified so that the punishment for sin no longer acted as handbrake preventing us to enjoy life to the full. God repaired that which was broken: 10No, we neither make nor save ourselves. God does both the making and saving. He creates each of us by Christ Jesus to join him in the work he does, the good work he has gotten ready for us to do, work we had better be doing.
But do we live it? Do we live like the broken rotavator that has not yet been repaired? Do we live like the machine doing half the work, which results in the rye coming up here and there? Or do we live an after repairs life?
Do people see the effect of the repairs in our lives? Do people see us living right and good? Exactly as God intended it right from the beginning? Do people see the effect of Jesus’ crucifixion in our lives? Do others see a life of gratitude?
Life out there is hard and sometimes something inside us breaks. Often this causes us to fall apart needing repairs. Then we have to report to the One who makes us new. We must report for repairs. When we realise what Jesus has done for us and make it part of our lives, we can live right again. Then doing good happens automatically and we walk through life like a sweet smell. Then the effect our lives have will become visible and the seeds will germinate in harmony.
Have you been in for repairs yet?
Are the people around you experiencing it?
Are the seeds coming up well?
Father, thank you for a second chance. Thank you that your Son was prepared to bring about reconciliation between me and You. I have been renewed so that I can reflect your image to the world. Please help me to remember that. Amen