God's word in today's world

Professional Christians

One of the best mountain bike teams in the world stayed in our house for some time while practicing for the Cape Epic mountain bike tour.

I was simply astounded by all that I saw in the garage. Against one wall, wheels stood stacked together. Then there was a special table filled with tools. Boxes and boxes of parts. Piles and piles of inner tubes and tires. My son’s jaw nearly dropped to the ground when he saw all the stuff.

One of the tables inside the house was covered with piles of energy bars, supplements and I don’t know what else.

A manager, physiotherapist, bike mechanic and chef (my wife dreams about this last one) all travelled with the team. Money was no object in giving the cyclist the best. Even more fascinating was to see those guys training. They simply didn’t stop. Their motto: Practice, rest, repeat. One route after the other. The whole day long. Well, that must be why they’re the best in the world. True professional athletes.

I wonder what it would look like if we took so much trouble to live the way God intended. This is the appeal that Paul makes too: 1One final word, friends. We ask you—urge is more like it—that you keep on doing what we told you to do to please God, not in a dogged religious plod, but in a living, spirited dance.

We don’t have to work to get a place in heaven, but that doesn’t mean that we can sit back and first do the things of the world with a prayer or two here and there.

No, we must give it our all, like the cyclists. To achieve something, they have to sacrifice everything. It’s extremely hard. But even more: It’s a lifestyle. That’s the way it should be for us too: Our way of life, our lifestyle, must be focused on God alone. We should make every effort to make our way of doing things fit within the will of God. Like professional Christians.

And as I sat there, the Scripture on lukewarm Christians came to mind. How far will God spit us out if we remain lukewarm?

It’s as if our Christianity has become too feeble. Like the English say: Everything goes. Say that you believe and you will go to heaven. Don’t worry too much about what you do, you will go to heaven. Watch out for this kind of thinking! The salvation that is offered to you was extremely expensive. Therefore, you must do your part and do your utmost to live for God alone.

Practice hard to live according to the will of God. Do everything possible to be a professional Christian.


1 Thessalonians 4:1-8


How professional is your Christianity?

How much energy do you put into your relationship with God?

What do you practice?


Father, your Holy Spirit reminds me every moment of the day how You want me to live. Please help me to be obedient to the guidance of your Spirit here inside me. Amen.

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