Prayer Partner
We pray for people who struggle, because we are taught to do so in James 5:13.
We believe that the prayer of a believer has power, because it says so in James 5:16.
We know that our prayers are answered when we ask according to God’s will and not according to our own selfish desires. In John 15:7 Jesus promises: “But if you make yourselves at home with me and my words are at home in you, you can be sure that whatever you ask will be listened to and acted upon.”
This is an opportunity for Crossroads readers to send their prayer requests to us so that we can support and encourage one another in our walk with the Lord.
Crossroads receive approximately 30 prayer requests every day. These prayer requests are dealt with in two ways:
- They are sent to prayer teams who will pray on the sender’s behalf.
- The e-mail with the prayer request is answered with an encouraging scripture for the reader.
If you are prepared to be used by the Lord to make a difference through the prayer ministry, you have two options:
- You can offer to take on the prayer requests and pray in your own time for as many as you feel you can. Then the prayer requests will be e-mailed to you once a week.
- You can assist in responding to the prayer requests by e-mail according to the guidelines that will be provided to you.
If you feel called to become involved in Crossroads’ prayer ministry, please c0mplete the form below: