Financial Partner
Crossroad247 is a non profit organisation and registered as The Crossroad Company NPC. (2012/127568/08).
Thank you for choosing to become a financial partner of the Crossroads Ministry.
You may rest assured that these funds will be used wisely and in consultation with the Board.
We pray that God will bless you out of this world!
The following three options are available to make you financial contribution:
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1. Direct transfer (EFT):
Name: Standard Bank
Branch: Stellenbosch
Branch #: 05 06 10
Account name: The Crossroad Company NPC
Account type: Savings
Account #: 27 807 9342
Please use email address as reference
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2. Monthly contribution
For monthly debit orders or credit card payments, click on this button, complete form and email or fax.
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3. Snapscan:
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4. Zapper
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