God's word in today's world

Do what the coach says: Serve one another

Being a devoted child of God means we must get up from our armchairs in life and make a difference. The first circle in which we must do this is with our other sisters and brothers in Jesus. 

For some reason, it’s not so easy to act. I suspect we’ll find the reason for that within ourselves. Every time, there’s a magnet that pushes us away from the idea of looking others in the eye.  

Actually, our starting point is wrong. When you start a route at the wrong place, there is a good chance that you will never reach the correct milestone. It is precisely the fall that makes us start at the wrong place every time. 

It was Luther who described sin as incurvatus en se, which means the inward turning of people. Or in English, turned in on itself or oneself. People put themselves in the way of other people so that we don’t notice them.  

So, instead of automatically honouring God and noticing other people, we default to noticing ourselves and our own needs first. That’s why our first question always is: What can I get out of this? Where can I take? 

Our coach suggests that we do it differently. 6-7 … complementing your basic faith with good character, spiritual understanding, alert discipline, passionate patience, reverent wonder, warm friendliness, and generous love, each dimension fitting into and developing the others. We need to focus less on ourselves so that we can notice our fellow believers. 

Fellowship among believers is essential. We were given to each other as gifts, for free. Within this group, we can help each other and serve each other. When life gets too much, you know where to turn. 

I saw a video of Jo Black saying there are only six people who can carry a coffin. The six people are your friends, the men and women who’ve stood by you through thick and thin and are usually part of your Christian family.  

I put my pen to paper and make a list of names. Soon the six positions are filled and there’s a waiting list. I am privileged and grateful to the Father who gave me a family in Christ who can live life with me and walk the path of faith with me too. 

I realise that I have a great responsibility to keep these relationships oiled. I need to get up off my couch and work on my relationships with fellow believers, not only to receive but also to give. 

I decide to contact the names on my list. Maybe we can have a braai or meet somewhere for coffee. We must take this command seriously because it is within the will of God. 

May you also make a list. May you also realise that God calls us to serve in the community of believers. May you visit them regularly to make a difference in their lives as well. 

2 Peter 1:3-15  

Who are your six?
How can you serve them?
On whose list will you be one of the six? 

Father, thank you for sisters and brothers in faith. Thank you that I can be part of the team. Help me not to focus on myself, but to always be on the lookout for others and serve them. Amen. 

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